Jacob’s Ladder Launches Holiday Appeal for USB Flash Drives

Jacob’s Ladder Job Center, Inc. (Jacob’s Ladder) is holding a ‘USB-Drive’ campaign for the students in their month-long job-readiness programs.

From Nov. 28-Dec. 19, Jacob’s Ladder is collecting donated new and unused USB flash drives (minimum of 256MB or greater) at both of its locations Mondays through Fridays between 9:00AM-4:00PM: The Plaza (2304 The Plaza, Charlotte, N.C. 28205) and Jacob’s Ladder West (located at the Center for Employment Services at 2201 Caronia Street, Charlotte, N.C. 28208). For questions, contact Jacob’s Ladder at 704-332-5822.

“Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide flash drives to our students, so we would appreciate any donations we receive from the public. Flash drives are an essential tool for our clients who often rely on our computer labs for computer access to create and update their resume, complete applications and apply for jobs,” said Margo Scurry, the technology instructor at Jacob’s Ladder. “They enable our clients to keep documents that are accessible and available on standard technology that supports their learning.”

About Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob’s Ladder Job Center, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, which helps unemployed and underemployed people find and keep living wage jobs. A member of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits, Jacob’s Ladder was founded in 1998 as a compassionate response to the Welfare-to-Work movement and to chronic unemployment in Charlotte’s urban communities. For more information, visit www.jacobsladdercharlotte.org or call 704-332-5822.

Follow Jacob’s Ladder on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/jacobsladdercharlotte, Twitter @JacobsLadderCLT and on YouTube atwww.youtube.com/jacobsladderjobs.
