Suicide Prevention Treatment Is Available Now Using This System

Matthew Dovel

You have watched your nephew slide into a depression that seems irreversible. Your spouse wakes up each night with night terrors brought on by post-traumatic stress. A student in your class has gone from shy to reclusive, refusing to go outside his home. Despite caring families that have tried everything, the problems remain.

Matthew D. Dovel has dedicated his life’s work to understanding and preventing suicide, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress, and believes he has found the solution. Dovel, the founder and president of the nonprofit International Suicide Prevention, has developed a noninvasive, nonmedical treatment program called Nu-Rekall® which trains individuals to rid themselves of emotional suffering and suicidal thoughts.

“In 2005, I delivered suicide intervention training at the Cree Reservation in Ouje-Bougoumou, Canada,” he says. “The 4 Phase technique reduced suicides from one nonfatal event and one fatal outcome per month to zero fatal outcomes in the subsequent six months.”

Dovel’s system, called Zero Suicide System/Nu-Rekall®, is based on an understanding of how traumatic memories, ranked according to intensity, are stored in the brain. By altering this hierarchy and assigning an intense memory a lesser “rank” on the scale, the sufferer causes the memory to slip from the conscious mind. Dovel has been lecturing and training his method since 2015.

“I want to propagate this information to create a global shift in humanity and save as many lives as possible before my time here has ended,” Dovel says.

For more information on Matthew Dovel and Nu-Rekall®, please visit:

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